Useful Information About International Orders
Once your orders are paid, 24 hours It will be shipped within . This period may be longer for specially designed products. You can find detailed information in the product description.
In extraordinary situations such as strike, lockout, natural disasters, riot, civil unrest, nuclear risk and danger, war, invasion, revolution, civil war, sabotage, earthquake and fire, and in cases arising from the buyer (not being present at the address, not having an authorized person to receive delivery, the buyer moving from the address). delivery time and conditions may vary in cases such as
If there is no one at the address at the time of delivery, the cargo company officer will leave you a news note with the cargo company's phone number. The address where the news note was left cannot be visited again; in this case, the customer must pick up the cargo from the branch.
When your order is delivered, you must open your package and check the product accompanied by the cargo officer. It is especially important to do this for packages that are crushed, torn, opened or wet. In an unexpected situation, if you encounter a problematic product, you must not accept the package and have it returned to us by the cargo company by keeping a report with the cargo officer.
If you are not at the address you specified at the time of delivery, your order will be delivered to the person at the delivery address after his/her photo ID is checked and his/her signature is obtained.
Our estimated delivery times for your international orders
Europe: 3-5 Business Days
America, Canada: 5-7 Business Days
Other Countries: 7-10 Business Days
*Dear customers, if you have chosen Wire Transfer/EFT as the payment method, our customer representatives will contact you via WhatsApp or E-Mail to help you with your payment.
*2 days Your orders that are not paid within due date will be cancelled. Once you have made your payment, you must send us your receipt. You can send your receipt to us via WhatsApp, our Support line or e-mail. This way we can speed up your order process, thank you.
*We do not have a RETURN or EXCHANGE policy for international orders due to SHIPPING and CUSTOMS costs. You are kindly requested to take this into consideration when placing your order.
Customs and Import Tax
Due to restrictions and new rules, packages sent abroad may be subject to customs in accordance with the laws of the country where the order is placed. In this case, customs officers will contact you and inform you about what you need to do to receive your package.
Customs and import duties are between you and the laws of the country you place your order from. Our company has no responsibility in this regard.
If you do not pay the customs fees, it is not possible to return your package, our company has no responsibility in this regard.